Thursday, November 6, 2008

Calling all Blog HOPPERS!

Having a young daughter has caused me to wonder about immunizations. I have my ideas which I will keep to myself. I just want to hear YOURS! I want to know YOUR feelings/views on the whole issue. So BRING IT ON.................Tell me all about what you did, how you feel, what you think! (if you happened to HOP on this blog comment! I dont care if I dont know you! I want to hear your views!)


LuAnne said...

All my family members were immunized & my kids are immunized & we all turned out just fine :)

Stephanie said...

I think immunizations are important, but only the necessary ones. I don't get my kids every single one out there that is offered I only get the ones they "have to have" to go to school. I also believe that if you get the single shots instead of the combo its much safer. So instead of getting the DPT combo, I get 3 different shots...I know its that many more pokes but I've read up on it and the singles contain less there you go that's my opinon. If you have any other questions email me!!

Stephanie said...

P.S.- I never get the flu shot either.

LuAnne said...

I don't get the flu shot either!

Anonymous said...

I am not really sure what my opinion is about this. I am still trying to figure out whats best for Paxton too.